Support Us

Why support us

Fondazione Carla Mercurio works to spread culture and to guarantee young people the opportunity to receive a complete education.

The support of individuals, families, companies and institutions is essential to give life to new initiatives and continue to carry out existing projects.


Only together can we ensure that culture becomes a cornerstone in everyone’s life.

Your help can come in different forms


Those who wish to help the Carla Mercurio Foundation in its educational mission can make donations of any amount. Donations are tax deductible for individuals and companies in accordance with current Italian tax regulations. 

For the receipt, please write to with your details.

Donation amounts:


 Free choice;


from 1.500,00 to 3.000,00€ per year,
become a Friend;


 from 3.000,00 to 6.000,00€ per year,
become a Supporter;


 over 6.000,00€ per year,
become a Benefactor.


Your support can also come through the 5×1000 tax contribution, included in the Italian income tax declaration. This valuable aid allows everyone to contribute to the Foundation’s activities and to the promotion of culture in society.

In the income tax declaration form, simply indicate the Carla Mercurio Foundation’s tax code (96538890581) and sign in the section dedicated to Third Sector entities registered with RUNTS.


With a bequest to the Carla Mercurio Foundation you are aware that culture creates the future. Bequests provide vital resources to support and expand the Foundation’s efforts, ensuring that your generosity has a lasting impact.


It is possible to leave assets of any nature, movable or immovable, to Carla Mercurio Foundation, as heir or legatee. To identify the Foundation in the will, simply write its name and its tax code number (Fondazione Carla Mercurio E.T.S. – 96538890581).


Every contribution is crucial for advancing the Foundation’s activities, starting with the opening of the Carla Mercurio Study Centre.

Support from companies and institutions can also include collaboration, sponsorships, endorsements, and the development of specific educational or professional programmes.


For more information, please send an email to